Обследование технических объектов

Мониторинг рынков, сценарии и технологии применения, потенциальные заказчики, типовые требования, образ новых товаров. Организация сетевой рыночной среды
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Зарегистрирован: Вт май 05, 2020 10:04 am

Обследование технических объектов

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Дмитрий Чихунов, руководитель направления «Промышленные дроны» АО «Пергам Инжиниринг» — «Практика применения противоударных дронов во внутренних обследованиях нефтегазовых резервуаров».

Обсуждение возможностей применения БВС "Elios 2"
Основное преимущество - возможность реверса вращения винтов для обеспечения полета в произвольном положении.
Камера 12.8 Мпикс с разрешением 0.18 мм/точка, видео 4К, тепловизор
Автоматически следует по линиям контроля
Освещение 10000 Лм
Соответствует требованиям визуального обследования IP510 Инспектор должен видеть дефекты с разных сторон и документально их зафиксировать. Рекомендован для чпстичной замены обследования инспектором.
Решетка каркаса выдерживает удар при скорости 3м/с

Ведутся переговоры, в РФ уже используются продажи порядка десятка в год.
Присутствует на рынке 6 лет, в мире работает около 700 аппаратов.
Спрос на услугу обследования.

The recommended configuration is called the Professional Package. It is priced at 38 000 CHF and offers a turnkey solution for everyone who wants to seriously tackle remotely operated indoor inspection.
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Сообщения: 433
Зарегистрирован: Вт май 05, 2020 10:04 am

Re: Обследование замкнутых пространств

Сообщение vctos »

Решения по обследованию морских объектов от компании DNV-GL
https://www.dnvgl.com/services/drone-su ... way-103018
https://www.dnvgl.com/expert-story/mari ... rveys.html
We offer drone-assisted surveys to assess the structure of and coating inside:
Ballast and cargo tanks
Cargo holds
Jack-up legs
Structural components of maritime and offshore installations

How drone surveys from DNV GL work
Two specially trained DNV GL class surveyors and a drone equipped with a high definition camera work together to carry out the surveys. Even in dark, enclosed spaces, the area under inspection can be illuminated to capture high-resolution images.
Drone surveys are carried out in real-time, with one surveyor operating the drone and the second remotely monitoring the recording on a tablet. It is possible to re-examine particular details on the recording, e.g. through enlarging a specific location on the screen.
In the event that damage is detected via the recording, a traditional close-up survey may still be required.
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Зарегистрирован: Вт май 05, 2020 10:04 am

Re: Обследование замкнутых пространств

Сообщение vctos »

Исследовательский обзор ADRASSO Autonomous Drone-based Surveys of Ships in Operation
Inspection costs: The total cost of a single surveying can exceed 1 000 000 USD once vessel preparation, use of yard’s facilities, cleaning, ventilation, and provision of access arrangements are taken into account. In addition, owners experience significant lost opportunity costs while the ship is inoperable. Some examples to illustrate the cost: scaffolding erection, 200 000 USD; 1-2 days in dock, 100 000 USD for an oil tanker on good rates; emptying tanks for methane gas and substitute with inert gases and oxygen, 100 000 USD for LNG/LPG ships. Additionally, the manning costs for the inspection itself, which often including long travels.
The ADRASSO project is targeting all these challenges and will provide the maritime industry with the following benefits:
Improving personnel safety by reducing the number of tank visits
Reducing inspection cost by removing the need for erecting scaffolding, water filling for rafting, the need for oxygen and inerting the tank, and providing more streamlined processing and reporting of findings
Improving efficiency due to reduced inspection time, quicker reporting and faster decision-making.
Reducing environmental footprint with no need for rafting and hence the filling and emptying of polluted water.
Improving inspection transparency because the drone can track where it is and what it has done, and this track can be logged. Therefore, the inspection scope can be documented in terms of areas inspected, and likewise, the number and location of thickness measurements.
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Зарегистрирован: Вт май 05, 2020 10:04 am

Re: Обследование замкнутых пространств

Сообщение vctos »

Skygauge, the unmanned system designed for both visual and wall thickness inspection.

Для стабилизации при порывах ветра применена система наклона осей, конструктивно совмещенная с защитой пропеллеров.

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Зарегистрирован: Вт май 05, 2020 10:04 am

Re: Обследование замкнутых пространств

Сообщение vctos »

По запросу отправляют брошюру с описанием направления обследования дронами.
A more efficient, cost-effective and safe inspection process that gives better, closer monitoring and control, while you continue your business operations as usual.
Industrial inspections, routine or otherwise, mostly involve the use of ladders, ropes and rigs to scale large machinery and towers, oversee processes and locate bottlenecks. As well as being risky for inspectors, the process requires machinery to be shut down, resulting in significant financial implications. Airobotics' dynamic drone solution offers inspectors a professional tool for viewing difficult-to-access areas, giving them a safer, more cost-efficient way of gaining greater insight into operation-critical processes. By creating a completely automatic platform the drone is autonomously deployed and landed, with pre-defined missions and applications, to collect aerial data which the system analyzes, providing a clear picture of difficult-to-access machinery. The Airobotics solution is eliminating the logistics involved in drone operations to provide reliable, on-demand aerial data, premium processing and analytics capabilities, while simplifying inspection processes and enabling work to be carried out as required. Automated Gas Inspection can be a significant safety addition to Industrial Facilities such as: chemical plants, refineries and manufacturing sites.